To meet its energy needs, humankind is extracting enormous resources from the earth - in quantities and at rates that exceed the regenerative capacities of the ecosystems. Whether it's fossil fuels, water or rare earths. Fossil combustion releases harmful emissions. This is why the principle of resource protection is imperative for the future. There must be no further environmental pollution through the systematic extraction of resources. To realize this, the use of renewable energies, for example, is crucial.
We have set ourselves the goal of our international group of companies being climate-neutral by 2027, thus avoiding and compensating for emissions as best as possible. We will achieve this goal by investing in renewable energy sources. We see great potential especially in the area of solar and wind power as well as in long-term partnerships in the field of green energy.
In addition, we are working consistently to reduce our direct emissions caused by electricity, oil, gas and internal logistics. Efficiency initiatives have already been launched across the Group. For example, we are evaluating our machinery in order to invest step by step in more efficient machines and equipment. In a further phase (starting 2024), we will focus on reducing emissions in the value chain.
At our sites we invest in many different measures to save water. The plant in Malta - in one of the EU's countries with the lowest rainfall - has already invested heavily in water treatment and collection. Underground cisterns there can store 19,500 m³ of water. Processes that were previously connected to the public water supply are now operated with rainwater, resulting in a saving of 5,500 m³ per year. Valuable water resources are also saved at the plant in Dietenhofen by using rainwater cisterns. In the past, this has already covered up to 80% of the total water demand at this site.